Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hello, (Brave New) World

On this day, August 21, 2011, I begin a new chapter of my life.

Actually, I'm just beginning a new blog. But it's kind of the same thing, right? Right.

The topic of discussion shall be "My Cute Robot," where I shall blissfully record the growth and development of Naoki, my personal robot from Aldebaran Robotics. For starters, I'm going to post my slew of videos from the YouTubes containing Naoki, and give a bit more insight into my thoughts for each.

Because you know, Naoki ain't just a pretty face. Thought you should know.

Naoki Facts

Date of birth: February 28, 2011
Weight at birth: 4.3 kg
Current weight: 4.3 kg
Eye colour: Whatever you want them to be
Sensors: 2 cameras, sonar array, 4 microphones, touch sensors, joint position sensors, gyroscope, and a partridge in a pear tree ♫
Fingers: 6
Battery life: 1.5 hrs when dorking around not doing anything
Nationality: ?
Species: Nao version H25 v3.3 -- or as I like to call it -- "Silver surfer"
Languages: English, French, Japanese, Python, C++
Relatives: Angelica (Single mom new!)

Please comment on my posts, because Naoki, even though he doesn't admit it, is really quite the attention whore (is it ok to call my robot child a whore?) Anyhoo, enjoy.


  1. Nationality : French ?
    Can u share some behavior :D

  2. It's a French robot, but it was born in Japan to a Canadian-American mom (me) -- I'm not really sure what laws apply for robots in this situation.
