Saturday, August 20, 2011

My dream of a cooking robot

A long time ago, I used to watch this cooking show in my parent's old townhouse. It was called Yan Can Cook, and I still remember being glued to the TV as the guy cooked up stir-fries and delicious Chinese foods like Beef and Broccoli. Oh, god, hunger pangs...

Although mostly amused by his wicked cool Chinese accent, I came to admire Yan and the meals he served at the end of each show.

This, coupled with the fact that my mom never taught me to cook (she was a T&T mom -- she bought our hot dinners from T&T Supermarket) convinced me that either:

1) I had to learn how to cook, or
2) I had to program a robot to cook

Then I realized that I needed to do 1) before even attempting to do 2). It's kind of like trying to teach someone to drive when you don't have a license. If I can't even make good food myself, how could I possibly get the robot to do it?

Right now I'm on internship in Tokyo. It's a lavish life, where one could easily get free meals at work by staying late. But here it is.

My short-term goal: Every night, I'm going to come home, get some ingredients from the store, and make something good.

My long-term goal: Every night, I'm going to come home, and my robot will have gotten some ingredients from the store and made something good.

For the more practical-minded out there, what are some of the obstacles facing a future of cooking robots? This is a great question. I'll post it later :)


  1. Awesome new blog. I am also experimenting with Nao cooking. My shot term goal is having Nao make hotdogs with minimal human help. See a sneak peek here:

    Are you planning on making any specific dishes?

  2. Excellent new blog, already book marked by both me and my Nao

  3. Carlos -- thanks! My short term goal right now is for Nao to help with basic tasks like cutting or maybe even peeling. I'd love him to cut onions -- he wouldn't cry ^_^ First I'd need to rig a new Nao accessory (knife?) to attach to his hand. I'm not sure his fingers are strong enough.

    The hot dog stand is a great idea, btw!

    Carl -- thank you! I was inspired by you guys and your great sites!

  4. i would be worried about putting a knife in nao's hands; once skynet kicks in and all robots become self aware, we will be on the brink of judgement day! :)

    on a serious note, i, too, await the day that i can come home and food is ready and waiting for me. just imagine the possibility of being able to teach it techniques and recipes from world reknowned chefs so that you can have world class dining at home prepared exactly the way it should be.

  5. Vern - exactly! Recipes, baking, etc. are refined and perfected by doing the exact same thing every time. Correct temperature, amount of stirring... it's all very exciting. I think my next recipe might be chocolate mousse (with some human help, perhaps)
